Spells & Dragons Mini:

Our Games For Kiwi Kids

Aged 8 to 13!

No more worrying about complicated rules or age restrictions!

Simply look at character options below and then let us know what kind of character your child wants to play when you sign up!

Our team will handle the rest. We'll bring their imagination to life in a hassle-free way that promotes their learning through fun!

How it works:

  • First, look at our games schedule and find a S&D mini session which suits you.

    Then ensure your child has everything they need to take part in the game.

    This includes a computer, webcam, the Discord app and good internet connection for videocalls.

    Then review the D&D characters & Classes on this page with your child to help them choose their favourite!

    During sign up they’ll be able to confirm their character and then we’ll sort out the rest!

  • Before the first week of the program, we’ll send through character sheets and all the info needed for our upcoming campaign!

    This might seem like alot of info all at once but don’t worry, our first week together will give us time to meet to go through it all.

    This is commonly known as a “Session 0”. A session that occurs before the actual story begins.

    The session zero includes a group discussion around the basic rules of the game, using your character sheet, discussing the themes and styles of story we like and want to experience in our game (Sci-fi, high fantasy, etc) and how to play respectfully in a group.

    Session zero’s are a great way to introduce everyone, discuss table rules, safety tools and get everyone on the same page before the fun of the adventure begins.

  • With the session zero complete, character’s built and the basics understood, it’s time for us to start our journey together!

    At the end of each session there will be a check in time, to ensure everyone had a good time and to discuss what the groups plans are for the next week’s chapter.

    Additionally, your Game Master will always be available via email through the week to answer any questions, provide advice, or to hear any concerns and suggestions you may have (for both players and parents!)

Who Will You Be?

Simply choose one of the following classes and species when filling out your sign up sheet and we’ll do the rest!

Character Classes

Cleric: Healing & support

Divine spellcaster. Channels divine power, heals allies, and smites enemies

Recommended for players who enjoy playing as a holy warrior and supporting the party:

  • Channels divine power, granting healing and protective spells to allies.

  • Combines martial skills with divine spellcasting for a versatile role.

  • Provides support to the party and often takes on the role of a leader or healer

Wizard: Masters of arcane magic.

Casts spells, learns new ones, and has a wide range of magical abilities. Excels in spellcasting and mystical knowledge.

Recommended for Players Who:

  • Want to masters arcane magic, cast spells and acquire new ones.

    Provides a wide range of magical abilities for versatile problem-solving.

    Requires tactical thinking and resource management in spell selection.

Fighter: Versatile warrior skilled in melee and ranged combat.

Specializes in fighting style, gains extra attacks, and chooses a martial archetype.

Recommended for Players Who:

  • Enjoy being in the thick of combat, dealing and absorbing damage.

  • Prefer versatility in their combat options.

  • Appreciate a class with straightforward mechanics but potential for complexity through chosen archetypes.

Rogue: Agile and stealthy.

Skilled in finesse combat, thievery, and deception. Excels in sneak attacks and skulking about.

Recommended for Players Who:

  • Fight with finesse in combat, utilizing sneak attacks and precise strikes.

  • Enjoy a variety of skills for thievery, deception, and mobility.

  • Rewards creative thinking and clever tactics in and out of combat.

Paladin: Devoted Warriors with Divine Magic

Combines martial prowess and divine spellcasting.

Recommended for players who enjoy holy warriors and honorable champions:

  • Serves as a righteous champion, blending martial prowess and divine magic.

  • Protects allies, smites evil, and upholds a code of conduct or oath.

  • Offers versatility in combat while focusing on themes of honor and justice.

Ranger: Skilled Hunters & Trackers

Proficient in archery, nature magic, and surviving in the wilderness.

Recommended for players who enjoy nature-themed characters and tracking enemies:

  • Skilled hunters and trackers who excel in archery and wilderness survival.

  • Proficient in nature magic and attuned to the natural world.

  • Masters both ranged and melee combat and offers expertise in exploration.

Druid: Masters of Nature

Shape-shifts, casts spells, and commands the forces of nature.

Recommended for players who enjoy nature, shape-shifting, and spellcasting:

  • Commands the forces of nature, shapeshifting into different forms.

  • Casts nature-themed spells and maintains a strong connection with the natural world.

  • Provides a versatile playstyle with the ability to adapt to various situations.

Bard: Musical Jack of All Trades

Casts spells, inspires allies, and has versatile skills.

Recommended for players who enjoy being the party's entertainer and versatile support:

  • Casts spells through music and inspires allies with bardic abilities.

  • Offers versatile skills for both social interactions and combat situations.

  • Combines spellcasting, support abilities, and performance to enhance the party.

Sorceror: Magical bloodlines

Excels in spellcasting and raw magical power.

Recommended for players who enjoy spontaneous and flexible magic:

  • Innate spellcasters with inherent magical abilities and limited spell selection.

  • Utilizes sorcery points to enhance spells or create unique magical effects.

  • Emphasizes raw magical power, with a touch of unpredictability.

Barbarian: Feirce warriors with primal power

Enter a rage for increased strength and durability. Excel in melee combat and brute force.

Recommended for players who enjoy savage combat and incredible durability:

  • Rages in battle, gaining increased strength and durability.

  • Excels in melee combat, dealing heavy damage and shrugging off hits.

  • Provides a straightforward playstyle focused on raw power and resilience.


Elf: Graceful and dexterous

Halfling: Lucky and charismatic

Dwarf: Hardy and strong

Human: Jack of all trades

Half-Orc: Adaptable and resilient

Dragonborn: Charismatic and tough