The Journey


We run ten-week programs during the school term in which we tell collaborative, long form, interlinking stories.

Our games run Monday through Thursday for three different ages groups in the afternoon and evenings.

S&D Mini is our 8 to 12 year old gaming group & runs from 4pm - 5:30pm on Discord.

Our 13 to 15 year old gaming group runs from 4pm - 5:30pm on Discord.

Our 16 to 18 year old gaming group runs from 6pm - 7.30pm on Discord.

How Does It Work?

  • First, look at our games schedule and find a session which suits you.

    Then ensure you have everything you need to take part in the game.

    This includes a computer, webcam, the Discord app and good internet connection for videocalls.

    If you have those things, you’re set! We run our games using the website, which has everything else we need to play together.

  • For the first week of the program, we’ll meet to go through the basics of Dungeons & Dragons.

    This is commonly known as a “Session 0”. A session that occurs before the actual story begins.

    The session zero includes a group discussion around the basic rules of the game, building a game character, discussing the themes and styles of story we like and want to experience in our game (Sci-fi, high fantasy, etc) and how to play respectfully in a group.

    Session zero’s are a great way to introduce everyone, discuss table rules, safety tools and get everyone on the same page before the fun of the adventure begins.

  • With the session zero complete, character’s built and the basics understood, it’s time for us to start our journey together!

    At the end of each session there will be a check in time, to ensure everyone had a good time and to discuss what the groups plans are for the next week’s chapter.

    Additionally, your Game Master will always be available via email through the week to answer any questions, provide advice, or to hear any concerns and suggestions you may have (for both players and parents!)

Campaign Structure

Our games run over a ten-week period in which each game functions as one chapter of an on-going story called a “Campaign”.

With the Game Master’s guidance, the player group will take control of their own destiny, deciding how the story will progress and determining their own goals.

Through puzzles, epic fights and intriguing dialogue, the players will tell a story like no other, as they make their way to tabletop herodom!